Monday, January 10, 2011

You're Fuck*n Perfect!

Just heard this for the first time,
It's just what I needed to hear.

I would never change just to be accepted, or fit in...
I need to lose weight though, to be healthy and feel good!

Besides that I'm fuckin perfect, and so are you! ;)


  1. Wow!
    That pretty much says it all!
    ps - it's true!

  2. If only we all thought that way everyday! Thanks.

  3. I love Pink. Yes, we are perfectly imperfect and those who are on that high and mighty horse are too! But watch out, it's a long fall.

  4. Thanks! Glad you like it!!! :)

    I almost didn't post it, not wanting to offend anyone... but that would defeat the whole purpose of having my own blog wouldn't it? :) If I didn't post what I feel like posting?
    I did lose a follower... because of this? Maybe!
