I got through yesterday and even FORCED myself onto the treadmill. 15 minutes is better then nothing, EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS! At the time the 15 minutes lasted for ever, and I didn't feel any better afterwards, but today I am SO glad I did it. I'm on my way to doing the treadmill every day no matter what :) If I make it to this Thursday, it will be the first week I did it EVERY day since a weigh in. I have to make sure things that come up in life don't keep me from walking. ALSO that they don't make me head to the fridge and pig out... I didn't make the best choices yesterday but today is another day! :)
I want to thank you Jenny and Tessa for your comments, and for officially "following" my journey :) This blog really is helping me. I don't know what it is, I think a lot of it is knowing that someone is reading it and I have to pick myself up and keep going so I don't fail and let anyone down!!! The first weight loss blog I ever read was Stacy's... and she gave excuse after excuse until eventually quiting- letting us all down... I don't ever want to be looked at like that. (but she really has inspired me and I wish nothing but good things for her) Well whatever it is, this blog is helping me, and I'm back up and ready!!!
To answer your question Tessa: No I don't count my calories. I have tried before, and it was just to much for me. Maybe I get overwhelmed easily, I don't know... but concentrating on smaller portions and trying to add healthier foods to my diet is all I can handle right now. Once I feel that is more under control, I want to try to count calories again... even if just to see how many I'm consuming, because I have NO IDEA.
Yes, I think I will check out a food scale. If they are not to expensive and look like something I will actually use- then sure, why not! It will help me measure stuff that doesn't fit so well in my measuring cups and spoons LOL.
I have never been a breakfast person, but I have been trying to eat it lately. On the weekends we have been making breakfast more (not the healthiest breakfasts I guess) but I will start trying to eat SOMETHING even if it's just a granola bar and milk.
I have decided to follow what the packaging on the food says for a portions. TWICE yesterday I over did it. If I would have followed instructions I would have only had 1/4 cup of trail mix and that would have been enough. I would have had HALF of what I ate for dinner and I wouldn't have been so full and mad at myself!!! So I'm going to try really hard to follow the serving size suggestions from now on.
Yesterday I bought the trail mix thinking it would be a nice snack, but I think it's giving me heart burn, which I don't get often at all- and i don't like it!!! In the last few years I realized peanut butter gives me heartburn, but had never had a problem with just peanuts- till now. So guess I'm done with the trail mix! that's ok, fruits would probably be a better choice anyway :)
Here's My Day:
Breakfast: 2 apple pancakes with about 1 tbs of light syrup. 1/2 an apple. 1/2 a frappuccino (about 5 oz)
Lunch: 1/2 cup of leftover sweet and sour chicken over 1/2 cup of white rice. water
Snack: 1/4 cup of trail mix (peanuts, raisins, very few m&ms) the rest of the frappuccino (4.5 oz)
Dinner: Ordered In- 3 med/large slices of pizza. :( 6oz of Pepsi. Water
Total Water Today: about 36 oz
Treadmill: 32 minutes (1 mile)
Crunches: 100 (5 sets of 20)
As you can see I did not make the best choices today. I really messed up for dinner AGAIN. I started off the day so positive, and ready to get back on track... I don't know what happened.
You want to know what I said when he wanted to order pizza this time? I said "NO! Then I will have to write on my blog that I ordered pizza AGAIN!!!" He said- "You didn't order it I did," and picked up the phone!!!! UGH.... I don't think he is trying to sabotage me, he is just addicted to the food as much (if not more) as I am... It is still my fault that I ate THREE slices. That is my fault and my fault alone. No matter what food is around I have to stick to my JUST ONE rule when it's something like that, that I pig out on. Once again I am full, and mad at myself. I'm going to have to really put my foot down and stop this ordering food all the time!!!!! It is out of control! and I guess I'm not as in-control as I thought, when it comes to temptations...
Ugh! I just can't believe I did that!!! I am so happy with my weigh-in the other day, so I should be MORE motivated!!!!!
I'm pretty tired, going to bed early. I'm going to go get on the treadmill for 30 minutes. So at least I won't ruin my goal of getting on it everyday.
Tomorrow is Monday. The weekend (which is so much harder for some reason) will be over and I will get back on track.
100,000 tries
16 hours ago