Or maybe you don't! And that is totaly fine!!! Or maybe you don't want to read my personal rambalings and realize I'm a mess.
That's why I decided to do my personal life complaints in a separate post. I want you my followers to be able to skip it if you want, but still be all caught up on everything else. Does that make sense? Skip it if you want, it's personal and it is not required reading... haha :)
Also, it's a separate post because I don't want it to come off as excuses... because my stress is NOT an excuse for sabotaging myself like I did!
This blog has been about my weight loss journey, as well as my life. It is like my journal and has become a place where I can vent and get it all out. (Giving Ray a huge break lol) So I just want you to know what's going on in my life lately. So it is separate from my weight loss struggles, because let's face it. My life is stressful and it's not going to be any less stressful anytime soon! I CAN NOT turn to food every time something goes wrong.
So feel free to skip this one!
I am feeling kind of sick... kind of feverish. Maybe that's why I feel so... unemotional right now. Or maybe it is just my crazy bad mood swings... But all these things that have caused me so much stress over the last few weeks, don't really even seem important right now. I mean, they ARE important, but not so overwhelming that I can't handle it... So I think I'll just kind of list them, and not get emotional about it like I normally would.
Yeah, a 'matter of fact' list might be just what I need... It may look cold, but it's a way for me to get it all out. And a way for you to be caught up without me doing a 10 page post too... I'm sure as time goes on, I will have to deal with some of it and will do more emotional or detailed post about some of it... but today it's just time to get it off my chest. Nice and quick like.
Last week Ray's Mom started stressing about whether or not to retire. She is constantly thinking about it, not sure what to do. She has one more month to decide. She is talking about it whenever we see her. Even called here and cried about it. Part of the problem is that she raised her boys to depend on her for EVERYTHING and now 2 of Ray's brothers do. That's how she raised them... But I can't tell her that. I feel bad, but I don't know what to do for her... It's stressing Ray out...
Lat week Ray's Dad called his mother, and left his phone number for Ray to call him if he wants... I have very strong opinions and emotions about this- but for now we'll just stick with the facts: He hasn't seen Ray in about 20 years, since he was a young boy. He never tried to contact him before. Now he is divorced and all of a sudden calls ray's mom and has a really long chat... I will not go into what I think of this situation or this man. I don't want him in our lives- I don't want to see Ray hurt. Again.
Ray's brother just got out of prison last month. After serving his latest term, 14 years. He stays less than 10 minutes from here. He is not someone I want around, maybe if we didn't have a son- but we DO. So I am hoping he doesn't contact Ray, and that Ray doesn't decide he wants to contact him. I think one of Ray's brothers has been talking to him, but He has no contact with their mother. (Ever since he tried to kill her when Ray was little.) So I am keeping my fingers crossed that I do not have to deal with this.
Money Problems, bad money problems. of course.
Thanksgiving is comming up. We have it at Mom's (my brothers) but I have not been there in months, because I don't want my son exposed to weed anymore. They don't respect how I am trying to raise him so we haven't' been over there. I am expected to be there, and will have to have a talk with my brother about no one getting high while we are there. It could go a number of ways...
My grandmother is having major surgery in about a week. On my birthday in fact. She disowned us all about 3 years ago. (a long story, her daughter took over her life ect.) I don't want to have anything to do with her or her evil daughter. But what if she dies? Will I regret not speaking to her... or even sending her a card before she goes to the hospital? Will I feel bad about that for ever? Or maybe I won't care. Don't know.
Margie and Bruce's death... effected me more than I ever thought it could. I can't explain how sad I was, am. It Left me so confused. Broke my heart. made me question the point of this life and all of our struggles...
Before Margie died, October already had a shadow cast over me. It is the 1 year anniversary of my cousins death. She was only 1 month older than me when she died last year. 28 years old. Her name is the same as mine, Tina Marie... I loved her very much. She died of an overdose. Heroin. All alone in a motel room. It hurts to even think about it. Hurts to think about how she looked in her casket. Right now my chest feels like it's caving in... moving on.
Having serious faith issues. Not sure what I believe anymore... and it is really sad to me. This started last year, and got worse when Tina died at the same time I was trying to figure it out.
(Some day I will tell you all about her life, and how the belief I always had that 'God never gives you more than you can handle' was shattered in to a million tiny pieces the day she died.)
My doubt in my faith gets worse and worse... and now I don't think I believe in a lot of the things I have my whole life. I'm not sure how to deal with that... I have no idea what to do about this.
Ok, these are the main things I think of daily that have been overwhelming me. Other things like my house being a mess right now, or gas prices, or the computer breaking as soon as I finally got my car back... these are little, these are just inconveniences, but they do add to my already fragile mental state.
It's times like this when one of my worst fears haunt me.
I get depressed, but it's not often I get this bad. I think this may be the worst time I have ever had with mood swings... Well, in a LONG time anyway. It's not often that I feel I can't really control my emotions, where I get so overwhelmed with things that I pretty much give up... and it makes me feel I am like my mother. This only makes me more depressed and stressed out. Over the years she has been diagnosed with Manic depression, OCD, and Bi Polar... but I figure her doctors are all quacks and most of it is in her head. Excuses to not have any responsibilities...
Then I get like this and feel like a failure... and wonder if I'm going to end up a selfish bitch like her...
If you have stayed and read all this, I don't want you to worry. I'm not in a corner crying all day or anything.
I think my son is oblivious except my temper is a little short... But we're ok. I think of most of this when I'm alone. I rarely cry, but it's at night when I do. I had been letting him play xbox more, just so he wouldn't catch on... he was happy but I know that's no good! We have been watching movies/ shows on netflix and that time with him I do forget everything else :)
Once this week, on my worst day, I did start crying while making dinner, but he didn't see me...
I know it could be worse. It could ALWAYS be worse. I also know we all have bad days... but I'm just tired of having all bad days...
Well, to make sure I don't get to emotional and start writing a whole fricken novel right now, I better get going! Now that I have my computer back, and am getting back on track, I am very hopeful that these feelings will pass and everything will go back to 'normal.'
2 hours ago
You are incredibly strong to be surrounded by what you have [or really, don't have]. Your family is a basket of peaches Tina and I don't know how you do it - but I admire you for getting up every single day and taking care of Ray and your son so wonderfully. You are a great wife and an even better Mother - don't you ever forget that.
ReplyDeleteOh, hell...I am crying.... Just know - although we can't sit around and give support over a cup of coffee in the physical sense, that there are some us out here that love you very much. If we could we would fix it - you're too beautiful to suffer like this. I don't mean anyone deserves to suffer, but some people bring things on themselves....
Life is weird, in that, it hands us things we don't think you can handle, but we get through it - even if it takes a couple of bumps along the way.
It gets better, I swear - some of our darkest days come before we get to see some pretty, warm sunlight. Hang in there - I know I did - and I am a better, happier person for it. They always say "It is darkest before the dawn" - and I suspect you have a spectacular sunrise coming your way soon.
Love you sweetheart.
I don't even know what to say girl, your going through ALOT. I wish there was so much more I could do for you other than just sit here typing a reply to you post. I'm with Skippy you are a wonderful, amazing person. I am so happy I met you and got to know you. I missed you while I was away from blog land and then when you were away from blog land.
ReplyDeleteWe are here for you, of course we are going to read whatever you write on here, because we care. We care ALOT. How badly I wish I could just hug you right now but ((huggles)) will have to do. Remember, you are not alone. We all have struggles and problems and slip ups. We all get upset and depressed and feel out of sorts sometimes.
I also have alot going on, alot more than what I've shared in my blog posts thus far..I'm sure I'll get to it but I'm working through one thing at a time and trying not to overwhelm myself with emotions which of course is hard to do..Keep on, keeping on. Keep pushing through. You can do this, you will get there. We are here for you, here to help as much as we can. We love you girl. ((huggles))
Hugs..because there really is nothing else I can say that will make it better..
ReplyDeleteknow that i am reading as well...If you need anything ever...please email...
Know that I am sending all the positive thoughts that I can muster to you....love ya!!
i'll jump right on the bandwagon here and agree with wht col, skip, and barbara said.. we're all here for you, sending hugs, "sharing" coffee (and stories) together.
ReplyDeletei read a poem on a friend's FB page this morning and decided to go search online for it. i didn't find the author, but i did find a wonderful site where it's located. please visit this site - http://www.godswork.org/enccontents.htm - and "stroll" through some of the stories and poems. i think you might find some peace there.
i am far from perfect, and i know how hard it is to hold onto faith. there are times when i question exactly what is going on and just how much more do i need to experience before things start turning around for us. then, i sit back and evaluate where i "could" be if it wasn't for the hand of God working in my favor. it may not seem like positives, but in the grand scheme of things i figured that most of them are.
But, also remember that good things to happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. without all of the experiences we live, we aren't who we are. Sometimes God lets things happen to us that we can't explain - and that seem totally unfair and "unGodlike" but they are an intrinsic part of something bigger than we are.
I hope that made sense and came out in a way that you understand that my comments are in support of you and not against you.
God bless you..
Well, I'm NOT gonna jump on the bandwagon...I'm NOT here for you... psych! Of course I'm always around to chat at...you know how to find me!
ReplyDeleteI do want to suggest one thing, though, and you may or may not want to go that route...but, have you considered seeing a doctor for depression? I never imagined in a million years that I'd be on antidepressants, but there came a time in my life a few years back when I literally thought that I wasn't going to be able to deal with everything happening in my life at that moment. I went to the doc, and after a couple tries with different drugs, found the perfect one for me. You have NO idea how much it helped. A lot of people say that they don't feel much of ANYTHING when they're on anti-d's...I say that if that's the case, they're on the wrong one! I feel things, but they're manageable. Shoot, just this morning I had a good cry. But I can deal with things so much easier. AND...the best part is that most anti-d's are in generic form, therefore, mucho cheap...especially at places like Costco or Sam's or Walmart. Anyhoo...seriously, give it some thought. I've thought about mentioning it to you before, but didn't know if I should, or not. Anti-d's are not for forever, either. I know a lot of people who have went on there for a short time in their life...when things got really bad...and then went right back off. (That didn't work for me...I get crabby and suicidal...but that's a different story!)
Also, keep up the daily exercising. Seriously! We've all seen Legally Blond, so you'll recognize the quote (or maybe not), that "exercise releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy!" So true! Not only does it make you happier, but you sleep better, too! I'm proof of all of the above!
Anyhoo...I'm writing a novela in your comments area... Hit me up on FB if you want more info about any of the abovementioned. :D I care about you, my friend, I want to see you happy again. :)
Hugs and love and strength.
ReplyDeleteHope it gets better for you very soon
Tina, just keep taking it one day at a time. Drink your water and walk on the treadmill. Those two little things will help immensely. And please don't forget how to pray.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, thank you all so much. There is no way I can express how all of your comments effected me. I can't thank you enough for caring.
ReplyDeleteSkippyMom, thank you so much. Now that I feel better, I know that I can handle all of this that has come my way- and that none of it is really that bad. It's just so hard to see that when I'm so depressed, but I do now :) I am hoping you're right about that sunrise!!! :)
Love you too
Thank you Barbara, and thanks for the huggles! Taking one thing at a time is probably best, and I need to do that as well. Most of it is stuff I have no control over, so I'm going to have to keep that Serenity Prayer in mind! I wish the best for you and the things you have to go through also. Keep on taking it one day at a time!
Thank you so much colenic, I do believe your positive thoughts do wonders! :) Hugs!
Thank you Teresa, oh I felt nothing but support from your comment. It made perfect sense :)
I know that my problems are small in comparison to some. Makes me feel kind of guilty for my complaining, but glad I got it out. And so thankful for the support from you all.
So far God hasn't given me anything I can't handle, and now that I'm feeling better I am confident he won't...
I will check out that sight. Thank you. And God Bless you also :)
Thanks Shauna, I know you are SO right about the exercising! If I would have forced myself on the treadmill I'm sure I would have felt so much better... Of course I can say that now that I have a little will power lol. I will do my best though, and stay at walking no matter what else is going on!
I guess I don't want to be on antidepressants because of how I saw my Mom on all different ones and they never helped... I actually did go on Prozac about 6 or 7 years ago when I was at my worst... It actually helped, alot at first. But it gave me headaches EVERY day. I didn't get suicidal like they kept warning me to watch for, but eventually I really did want to kill Ray... which wasn't very good I guess ;)
I guess after that I decided I have to just cope without any drugs. I'm hoping this doesn't happen again (or at least not for a LONG time) but I know I can't have many weeks like the one I just had, and if I do maybe I should look into seeing someone.
Thank you so much, and I will ask you if I end up having questions! For now I think all of you are great therapy for me :) Thanks Shauna.
Thank you Verity, I really do feel better already :)
Thank you Jo. I know that you are right, the treadmill and water do wonders for me. They would have helped me so much during this time. Probably praying too!
I really do feel so much better, thank you all so much :)
As far as my faith, I won't be writing to much about it because it is SO complicated. (as you all know. I would have to start a whole nother blog to cover all that would come with that!) I still believe in God. Now that I feel better I believe he won't give me anything I can't handle. But that's about it... The more I research, the more I learn, I am not sure about ANYTHING else. I don't think I am a christian, (which I only realized in this last year when trying to become a better christian!) and it does really hurt me to think that things I believed in my whole life, I no longer believe in... I haven't shared any of this with anyone. Just you all. Me and Ray talk about it sometimes... but he is more hostile about it all, and is more and more upfront about his beliefs (or lack of). I am still undecided I guess...
But I do believe in God. And I do believe he will help me through my hard times.
Like you all have :) Hugs and Love to ALL of you! Thank you!
Tina I grew up surrounded by and being Mormon. It wasn't till I started asking questions and reading up on christianity as a whole that I realized that there are more holes in christian theory than there are in a sieve. I, too, believe there might be a higher power somewhere...but I'm not holding my breath on ever meeting her!
ReplyDeleteThat's what happened to me.
ReplyDeleteWhen I started asking questions and reading the bible to become a 'Better Christian' I started having doubts... the complete opposite of what I was trying to do!
It's all so complicated.
It just feels bad though to think that none of it is the truth... I guess I'm having a hard time letting go of something I believed in my whole life.
When I wrote here, that I don't think I'm a Christian anymore, that is the first time I actually admitted it to myself. And it makes me sad :(