Internet only working when it wants to again. It has shut off while I'm in the middle of something about 5 times on me today. Bleh. At least it wasn't anything super important!
So I'll quick catch up and then try and read some blogs before it goes out again!
Yesterday... well yesterday sucked.
I woke up just like Thursday with a horrible head ache and felt sick half the day. It's also that time of the month now... and maybe that's been the problem all along? But I usually don't get sick like that...
I did pretty crappy. I had a crappy day, and snacked to much. I did watch the portions, but had snacks to often again. chips and salsa con queso, sunchips, and 3 doughnut holes.
It was a stressful day. Flea "fogged" the basement. Then had to air out the house, and it was pretty cold. Didn't want to cook while airing it out, so we ordered pizza. To me, that would be a fine excuse lol- BUT we just had pizza the other day, so it kind of ruins it. I had 4 small pieces.
I am not doing well with the pizza, and we can't afford it anyway!!! I am going to have a serious talk with Ray, and we are NOT ordering anymore for a while. And if something comes up, and we have it somewhere else or something? One slice, two at the MOST.
Surprisingly, I was down a little to 279 for my daily weigh in, and that helped my mood. I'm being careful not to let it effect my mood negatively when it's a little gain, because I know daily fluctuation is normal :) But it does help when it's down!
So now the weekend munchies are over. AND I set a new goal for Friday on my Weight Loss Tracker. When I had a goal last time, I did SO good. So I set this one for just below my low weight of 278. 277.9 I think. So I have about 4 days to loose 1.1 pounds. Plus today, I think I can do it! Especially if I keep up with the treadmill, and my new goal of at least 5 miles per week.
I didn't do treadmill yesterday, I may be paranoid, but I tough I could smell the fogger... and I didn't want to be breathing heavy in it. But I'll be on it tonight for sure!
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow to fill you in on my eating and treadmill time for today. If not it's because the internet does what it wants :(
They are coming out AGAIN tomorrow, and it will probably be fine while they are here AGAIN. So nothing will be done. If you ask me, it's other people cutting into my cable line in this building. I live in a townhouse, and there are 7 other basements the cable lines go through. I may be the only one paying for cable, and others are just cutting into my line. Comcast doesn't care though, they suck.
How about a list of good things hmm?
Today I learned how to light the pilot light on my water heater. (had to turn it off for the fogger)
The flea problem is OVER! (I hope!)
I feel good, my mood and other :)
I have my son and Ray, who love me and make my life complete! Along with my kitties of course :) Who are doing much better today.
Have a great night everybody!
1 hour ago
Yikes - comcast does suck.
ReplyDeleteForget about them.
Good things?
Kittehs iz good thingz!
I assume you have checked your cables and such for a loose connection? Whenever I get an intermittent problem, I always start with cables. Especially if you have cables that are under tension (ie stretched or flexed in awkward positions).
ReplyDeleteGlad you see you've set a new target. I'm sure you'll reach it. I mean... you want another medal, right? :p
You're doing it Tina - you are still under the '80s like you want to be - so that says something. So YAY for you, honestly. Slow and steady is getting you where you want to be and that is great.
ReplyDeleteUm, we all know how I feel about Comcast. heehee - but let me look up on my blog when I posted about them and send you the link - one of the Comcast guys actually posted a comment on it and promised to help me - maybe he can help you, okay? I'll email you.
And see? You got the best of both my worlds - kitties and a kiddie. heehee
H&L darling.
Yes, we're here to help! :) Feel free to contact us.
ReplyDeleteMark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations
Trying so hard to concentrate on the good!
ReplyDeleteYep anne h, kittehz iz good thingz izn't they :)
Thanks Mark, I really want another medal- but that isn't going to happen this week. That's ok, I'll get another one soon :)
Thanks SkippyMom.
Yes, lots of cats and the best kid ever :) I am blessed!
Wow, thanks Mark Casem at Comcast. I will keep that email, because this won't be the last time I have trouble lol.
Someone did come out, and it's actually working well now. It's just a big pain in the butt, when they made these townhouses, they put the lines through ALL the units, mine being the end so my cable line is going through other peoples basements. It causes problems I think.
But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays working for a while now :)