Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday- a GAIN

The Scale says:
A gain of 2.8 pounds from last Monday.
Here's My Day: (everything I ate @ my Mom's)
Snack: about 15 doritos
Dinner: leftover cheesy, salsa, rice stuff with 1 piece of cheesy garlic bread and pinto beans, 1/2 cup of whole milk
Dessert: 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream 1 1/2 cups chocolate milk
Snack: strawberry shortcake with whip cream
Obviously not very happy about today. Will talk about it tomorrow. Am running late already and really don't want to talk about it any way! I'm off to bed.
Tomorrow will be better though... and at least I got on the treadmill, that's something...
Treadmill: 27 minutes/1.03 miles


  1. It happens. As you said, tomorrow will be better!

  2. Hey there is always something positive we can say about our day even when most things seemed a negative. Treadmill???? A BIG positive. Good for you Tina.

    Thanks for your nice Happy Mother's Day wish on my blog. You are truly a sweet person, Tina.

    Margie M. writes at:

  3. Yes- that's all we can do sometimes, is make sure tomorrow is better right? :)

    Aww thanks Margie!!! You are really an inspiration and a Happy Mother's Day is the least I could do :)
