I have my computer back :) Not that less then 48 hours should be that big of a deal, but we were told we would have it back yesterday, so that's what I expected! Like I thought though, now that it's been a day, I am fine. None of it seems bad looking back on it now lol. BUT at the time I was just ready to pull my hair out!
Let's start from the beginning:
Tuesday when the power came back on, some of our digital channels weren't coming in. Yesterday, NONE of them were. So that made me mad (made worse by the fact I had to miss Ultimate Fighter!) but I got over it.
We took out computer in just to update the security and anti virus and whatever else that was expiring soon. I was told it only took an hour and we would have it back yesterday. All day they didn't call. 5:00 comes around and Ray calls and they tell him they are doing it right now and will call us back. An hour and a half later I call and they are closed and I had to talk to a machine. I was mad.
On top of just not doing what they say, I have to report what I eat everyday for Tessa and they were messing with that too!!!
I had been waiting to make dinner because I figured they would call as soon as I got it started. So now it's almost 7pm, and I'm going to quick make tuna casserole, fast and easy. I start getting the stuff in the pan and- NO MILK. This is because we were going to stop and get milk when we went to get the computer when they called! But they never did and I forgot! Ugh!!!!
I was just like screw it! I decided to go to my brothers real quick and post my meals, and since it was after 8 and my son was hungry I stopped at taco bell.
Oh! And lets not forget my lovely heat stroke added into the equation. I was feeling a lot better but not back to normal. Maybe that's why I freaked out, just being worn out already without the day going all wrong. Ugh...
But I am good today. Better then good, I feel back to normal and I am great :) I started drinking some Gatorade (not my favorite thing but I really think it's helping) and now I need to focus on getting back on track! Ray got me the Gatorade, it isn't to bad! It's grapey, and he got me low calorie which I didn't even know they had. So thoughtful :)
Here's My Day:
Lunch: East Garden Buffet (1 plate, 1 small dessert sized plate) 3 crab cheese, about 1/4 cup sweet and sour, 1 egg role, about 1/2 cup pineapple chicken, 1/4 cup white rice, couple bites of jalapeno chicken, some baked chicken, couple bites Parmesan chicken, 1/2 cup crab salad, 1 bite of garlic bread. 1/2 cup ice cream. Water
Dinner: leftover chicken alfredo (one serving), 1 cheese stick, pizza sauce, 8 oz Mtn Dew
Total Water: about 30 oz
Gatorade about 10 oz
My step dad took us out to lunch. Me Ray 2 of my brothers my mom and him. It was nice. I didn't do TO bad, but I was full. I think my stomach shrunk when I was sick, because I just don't have an appetite really. I ate cause it was there and it was good, but I wasn't really hungry. Same for dinner. I need to concentrate on whether I'm hungry or not now, instead of just eating to eat! I know this, just have ignored it the last few days...
You know, I wasn't worrying to much about what I was eating today or while I was feeling sick... let's be honest. I was using this as an EXCUSE!!! I look at it and I KNOW I was. Just like an alcoholic, if something goes wrong in life, it's an excuse to hit the bottle. I have seen it so many times, and it's exactly what I was doing. And I didn't even feel bad about it! I was just like "I'm sick, I can't cook, I don't have the energy, who cares if I eat some fast food I just need to get better" and the guilt was gone just like THAT! On top of all the fast food, I have been drinking pop too :( Not alot, but for a couple days in a row now. All this ends tomorrow, or better yet, right now :)
I look back at yesterday and none of it was even important. It could have been SO much worse. There are so many worse problems and I feel stupid for being so upset and letting it all get to me so bad. I realize that I used to do that a lot more then I do now. I think since the beginning of this year I have changed a lot. Obviously I still have those days, like yesterday, but I think I am so much happier more of the time. I don't know, just concentrating on my goal, feeling better already since loosing some weight... I don't know. I hope I remember how unimportant cable and other things are next time, so I don't get so bent out of shape!
Anyway, I'm ready to get back at it!
I read this today on Asphyxiated Emancipation's blog. He called it A Message to a Friend, and even though he was talking to his own friend- I think it is a message that a lot of us need. Please take a minute to read it. It just makes so much sense!
2 hours ago
Hi, Im sorry you had a bad day with food. I love your honesty. Yes, those do sound like excuses, but at least its great that you recognize it. Get back up there girl and DO IT! You know you can...I know you can xxxoooo
ReplyDeleteThanks Michaela!
ReplyDeleteYep, I strayed away from where I need to be for a few days, but now I feel GREAT! I'm ready to get back at it, woo hoo!
Well, I still feel good, but didn't do such a great job today. But I know I can and I WILL :)