So my Mom had a surprise cookout today... I guess she doesn't get that it is only supposed to be a surprise to the birthday boy... not EVERYBODY. She called us yesterday, and called me at 7:30 last night to get numbers (well to ask ME to call people, but I gave her numbers lol) and invite people for today at 1:30... only a couple people showed up, but that's fine. Since he didn't know about it he was gone till we were all there for about 2 hours, and when he did get home he pretty much stayed in the house with my other brother and Ray... At least Ray came over to say hi to everyone before he went in! Oh well... whatever.
I had a very stressful day. I have been so irritated with my mother I haven't really wanted to be around her. And Jeff was drinking, and he annoys the hell out of me when he's had a few. While my son was in the house he starts talking about taking him fishing. OMGoodness. I really don't even want to hear it. He's taken him ONCE, and it must have been about 6 years ago. EVERY year he tells him he's going to take him and doesn't. I said "Yeah, that sounds great." Like- yeah sure you are... and my Mom actually said "Yeah, just don't mention it to him until you really are going to. Huh Tina." I said yeah, and was surprised to see she DOES realize he always says it and never does it... But she isn't upset about it or anything like I am. You don't tell a child year after year that your going to do something and not do it.
Which reminds me about the last time I was over there (about 2 or 3 weeks ago?) and there was the little cookout with my dad and step mom. Jeff and my Dad are just doing the small talk thing, about kids today and all the video games blah blah blah. And Jeff actually said "Yeah, he needs to be out fishing or something instead of in there playing those games!" Talking about my son!!! I couldn't BELIEVE that came out of his mouth!!!! I said "He WOULD go fishing if someone would take him. He would rather do that than play games any day." but I left it at that. I wanted to go off on him, but I didn't. I bit my tongue harder than I have ever bit it in my life!!! Let my son down EVERY year and then have the nerve to say that! I don't fish. I don't think Ray's ever fished a day in his life. But you know what? If he doesn't take him, I'm going to go over there and get the pole he supposedly got for my son and take him myself!!!! Asshole.
This post has gone on long enough I guess, so I won't go into all the other things stressing me out like the weed, or my cousin showing up high on who KNOWS what.
There were a couple good things about today. We saw a humming bird. I got some more sun without BURNING. I walked down to the little creek with my son, mom and her dog (I got bit up but that's ok as long as I don't catch the new mosquito virus they are finding here in MI). The food was good.
But I ate to much. I still haven't been to a cookout that I am happy with how I did yet. I don't know, being around people you'd think would make me eat less!!! But it's exactly the opposite!!!!
What I ate today:
Drink: (100) 1/2 bottle iced coffee
Lunch: (A lot) 2 chili dogs, 1/3 cup macaroni salad, 1 cup baked beans, about 15 cheddar potato chips.
Drink: (83?) about 6 oz red pop
Snack: (260) 1 cup ice cream
Snack: (267) about 20 chips and 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese
Total Water: about 65 oz
Total Calories: about 1700? -about 710 plus lunch (which was a lot, but I don't think more than 1000)
Lunch was supposed to be at 1:30, but it got to be 2:00 and it wasn't even started. I think we finally ate around 3. So I was STARVING.
I really didn't want the pop, but that's all they had. I picked the only one without caffene so I wouldn't be craving it tomorrow... Almost all of the wate I had was in the last few hours. I was SOOOOO thirsty!
I decided I didn't need anything for dinner, and that led to snacking later (while we were watching a movie I ate those chips out of the bag!!! A NO NO!) I could have made healthy snack choices though, NO excuse for that.
Tomorrow Mom said she was going to get the pool out and have us over. I actually made it clear today that he is not allowed to spend the night there... she didn't realize that. Even though it's been about a month, she just hadn't noticed I guess... She actually told me he could spend the night tonight, KNOWING Jeff was drinking... but now she knows he won't be anymore. She tried to push the subject, but I really didn't want to talk about it. So we didn't. I told her he can come visit, but that she doesn't have any interest in that either. That's when she decided about tomorrow. We'll see. If she calls we'll go over there I guess. Just for a little bit.
I don't feel good. I don't know if it's because I ate crap or because I've been so stressed all day. Probably a combination.
You know, I have actually been quite depressed since last night!!!! I watched a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (pajamas was spelled different though...) Have you seen this movie??? It was... good I guess... I had NO IDEA what it was about till I started watching it. It made me cry, and I've been kind of down ever since. Ray had fallen asleep so I watched it and cried alone. (He woke up later and wanted to fool around and I couldn't because I just felt like crying! TMI??? Sorry. That's just not like me at all)
Well, I can tell I'm rambling, so I'll go now haha :) Tomorrow will be better.
I didn't give into sacking last night, and I am full now. I will probably not eat anything, but If I do it will be grapes.
2 hours ago
Like I did for Linda in NM I took a bunch of pics' to show you the steps for baking chicken, making chicken stock and soups. [Her's is for fried chicken :)] But I will happily put together another album - like the two recipe books I am putting together for you guys to show you how freakin' easy fishing is. [I am sure you can figure it out all by yourself, but how funny would that picture book be? LOL] Chapter One: Fishing tackle Chapter Two: Bait. Friend or Foe? Chapter Three: How to hook a worm and make sure it is still alive. Chapter Four: Chicken Livers - Seriously? Yes! hahhahahahaha.
ReplyDeleteIf you have to know one thing about fishing - it is that it isn't about the fish you catch but the time you spend. Wallene and I LOVE to go fishing and I have denied the poor child for the past few years. Pooldad is certainly capable - but she gets the kick out of going with me because I love it so much. Do it once, see the smile on your child's face and you will be hooked for life [sorry - puns seem to be in my wheelhouse this week. lol]
Don't wait on Jeff. Who is Jeff btw? Did I miss this character? And who was the birthday party for? Sorry - I am sure you are being really clear, but um....I Lupus drugs. giggle. for not knowing what is going on.
Your eating is going well [so proud of you sis' - I think you did good!] and if you are thirsty? water is the best. And if it ain't doing it because you want a flavor? Add in a slice of lime, lemon and orange. OMG so good. Seriously! and will quench your thirst. Pop doesn't do that. And it doesn't rehydrate either.
You're the best! I love coming around your blog and reading - makes me sad when you are sad but I see your good attitude back there and know you are doing your best.
Take care sweetie. Talk to you soon.
Hey Tina I cannot believe how much we struggle with the same insanities in our lives. My advise to you is to stop going to your Mom's, it seems all it does is upset and set you off on a feeding frenzy. You need to take care of you and stop trying to please her and everyone else. It sounds like she is just like my mom, very controlling, and if you don't do what she wants then you are made out to be the bad one. You obviously don't enjoy yourself when you go over there so don't go. When she calls and asks you to come just tell you're going fishing and maybe some other time. It sounds like a den of mixed emotions for you and you need to take a stand against it all, the lies, the drugs, the false promises, etc. She seems to use your brothers to entice you to get you there and then it turns into a struggle for you. As far as the fishing goes tell Jeff to put up or shut up, and that it's not fair to make promises to a child that he has no intention of keeping. You have to stand up to them Tina or they will continue to walk all over you and that will just sabatoge your efforts to get healthy. We are two peas in a pod that is for sure. Big Hugs!!!!
ReplyDeleteSkippyMom you are so sweet to take pictures and everything for us!!! :) But no, I don't need a picture book for fishing lol. I know it's not that hard, I just honestly hate fishing. But he would have SUCH a good time, that I'll do it anyway- and with a smile on my face :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, I think I type faster and leave out things when I'm stressed LOL. Jeff is my Mom's boyfriend of about 23 years. Our 'stepdad' and my son's 'Papa' and even though I love him, the relationship is a lot like me and my Mom's. Irritating.
The birthday was for my youngest brother, who's birthday was last week and I was mad that no one did anything for it over there (since it's HIS trailer and he lets them all live there)
The water over there is kind of yuck, but I should have just drank it anyway, I'm sure it wouldn't kill me lol. I really regret drinking the pop. We have pop in the house at ALL times and drinking the pop at my moms has made me want it here... but I haven't given in :)
Thanks SkippyMom!!!
You are absolutely right about my Mom and the stress she brings me. I know that she is the most stressful thing in my life. Sometimes I think I should just not talk to her, and never go over there again... but it's just hard. If she were outwardly mean or hateful I would have no problem just cutting her out of my life... but it's not that easy. She is just SO SELFISH, and really doesn't even think about others feelings half the time... she doesn't set out to hurt them, she just is in her own little world. (Pot doesn't help that at all either!)
ReplyDeleteI am already a little afraid of what will happen with my brothers now that I told her my son is not allowed to spend the night there. Are they going to be mad? Or will they see my point of view and also want whats best for him??? I don't know.
My son loves them, and doesn't know it's dysfunctional over there. Yeah, it's all a big mess. I will definitely try and do whats right for us and not worry about them. It's just so hard to sort out exactly what that is...
Thanks Tessa!!!
You know the best thing about having Lupus? Seriously - there is a bright side - stress in my life will cause a flare - the greater the stress - the bigger the flare and the sicker I am. has given me the key to be able to say to my mother [who is a control freak extraordanaire and I have catered to my whole life] I get to say "NO more Mom. My kids and husband come first and if you are going to make unreasonable demands on me or try to guilt me - it isn't going to work." And I did it [and believe me Pooldad supports this 110% because he has seen how sick she can make me] - I haven't spoken to her in six months and I have had one flare since then. [stress isn't the only thing that causes them, but a huge contributing factor at times] - Do I miss not having my Mom to talk to? In the beginning yes - because we did have some nice talks - but after a while I realized that those talks disintegrated into big mondo guilt trip for me. And I just don't want to do it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI guess what I am trying to say is - like Tessa said - you have to take care of you and your own first. If you aren't healthy than what is the point? Your Mom triggers your eating - my Mom triggers my Lupus - maybe if you tried what I did you would feel a bit better.
One more thing as I write this novel for you [heehee]- I realize that I am quite a bit older than you [14 years] and it took me a lonnnnnng time to do this - but I stopped believing that I HAD to have a mother. I didn't pick her and I certainly wouldn't pick someone like her for a friend if I had the choice. Just because someone says "honor thy mother" doesn't mean you have to. Sometimes there is simply nothing there to honor.
[and so concludes Chapter 4 of "The Girl who Skipped through Life" LOL]
Hugs darling. Love ya!
LOL, that was chapter 4? I'd LOVE to read the first 3 hehe :)
ReplyDeleteI see what you're saying... I actually knew I didn't Have to have mother since I was pretty young... and I don't feel like I need her... but I do love her. I have lost respect for her, but still love her.
I am hoping that now that I actually TOLD her my son will not be staying the night there, I can just visit without the stress of waiting for her to ask, or wondering if I am going to have to fight with her about it... If we only go for an hour or 2, then she can go that long without doing anything that makes me mad. (so far anyway lol)
She does trigger my eating. But hopefully now that I feel a little better about the situation she won't? Ah, we'll see.
Thanks SKippyMom! Hugs!